Ehsan Abbasi

Ehsan Abbasi | Technical Product Manager
Ehsan Abbasi

Ehsan Abbasi

Technical Product Manager


+4 years of product management experience, I have a proven track record of driving product success through data-driven decisions and cross-functional teamwork.


(Dec 2022 - Present)

Director of Products at (IT & Software Company)

(B2B Start-up/ B2C) (Mashhad,Iran) (Full-Time) - < 51-200 employee >

  • Aligning product strategy with business goal
  • Driving product discovery, market research, and competitor research
  • Driving innovation and new product development initiatives
  • Communicating product vision and strategy to stakeholders

(Dec 2022 - Present)

Senior Product Manager at Limoo.Host (Web Hosting & Cloud Services)

(B2B Start-up/ B2C) (Mashhad,Iran) (Full-Time) - < 51-200 employee >

  • Led 5 cross-functional teams, including engineering, design, and marketing, to successfully develop and launch products, resulting in up to a 40% increase in delivery speed.
  • Implemented Agile methodology to manage product development and streamline processes, resulting in improved team efficiency
  • Analyzed customer data and feedback to identify key pain points and inform product improvements resulting in a 25% increase in user engagement.
  • Redesigned the website and user flows to improve user engagement and decrease bounce rate, increasing user satisfaction and engagement.

(Feb 2022 - August 2023) | 2 yr

Product Manager at - Trading assistant (TA) tools based on "Price Action"

(B2C) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) (Full-Time - Hybrid) - < 11-50 employee >

  • Led a cross-functional team in the design and development of , a product
    with over diverse features.
  • Developed features based on an international patent, unique in the market.
  • Conducted competitor and market analysis to inform product development decisions,
    including pricing strategies and feature prioritization.
  • Analyzed user cohorts to identify key factors contributing to churn, resulting in the
    development of effective customer retention strategies and a reduction in churn
  • Collaborated closely with stakeholders to understand requirements and prioritize
    features from design to delivery.

(Jul 2022 - Nov 2022 ) | 5 mos

Product Manager Consultant at Ahanresan - e-commerce iron platform

(B2C) (Tehran,Iran) (Part-Time) < 51-200 employee >

  • Redesigned website to increase user engagement rate and prepared products for the
    successful marketing campaign.
  • Developed and executed successful product roadmaps, go-to-market plans, and pricing
    strategies resulting in a increase in revenue for clients.

(Oct 2021 - Jul 2022 ) | 10 mos

Product Manager at Menno | Digital Menu

(B2B Start-up/ B2C) (Mashhad,Iran) (Part-Time) < 11-50 employee >

  • Conducted in-depth market research and analysis to identify opportunities for growth
    and inform product development strategies.
  • Analyzed customer data and feedback to identify key pain points and inform product
    improvements resulting in a increase in user engagement.
  • Conducted competitive analysis to identify market trends and inform product
    development decisions, resulting in a successful product launch and a increase in
  • Designed and implemented A/B testing across all products, leading to increase in
    conversion rate.

Product Manager at - (Meeting Scheduling Solution)

(B2C) (Paris,France) (Full-Time) < 11-50 employee >

(Sep 2021 - Feb 2022 ) | 6 mos

  • Led cross-functional teams of up to 20 individuals, including team members from
    such as Indian, Chinese, Pakistani, German, French, American, Norwegian, and Madagascar, to successfully develop and launch products from ideation to launch.
  • Managed product development using Agile methodologies, including Scrum and
    Kanban, and facilitated sprint planning and retrospectives to optimize team performance.
  • Worked closely with stakeholders to identify and prioritize features based on business needs and customer requirements.
  • Reduced customer churn rate by 10% through the development and implementation of a successful customer retention strategy.
  • Achieved a on-time delivery rate by effectively managing project timelines and
    mitigating potential delays.

(Sep 2021 - Feb 2022 ) | 6 mos

Product Manager at - (Data Science Platform)

(B2C) (Amsterdam, Netherland) (Part-Time) < 1-11 employee >

  • Coordinated with engineering teams to ensure successful product development and
    launch, with a focus on meeting timelines and staying within budget.
  • Conducted daily stand-up meetings with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment on
    project goals and progress.
  • Designed a feature that enabled faster integration of third-party services, resulting in a
    40% increase in user satisfaction.

a (Mar 2020 - Sep 2021 ) | 1 yr 7 mos

Product Manager at VegaKala - (Home appliance app that simplifies buying and selling by connecting industry players)

(B2B) (Mashhad,Iran) (Full-Time) < 11-50 employee >

  • Managed and hired a cross-functional team of to develop
    applications with over unique features within a timeframe.
    12+ individuals 0-100
  • Achieved successful MVP design, attracting users within less than a month.
  • Redesigned the application resulting in a increase in time users spent on the app.

(Jun 2020 - Aug 2021 ) | 1 yr 3 mos

Product Manager at Picocoo - (Digital Marketing Team)

(B2B) (Mashhad,Iran) (Part-Time) < 1-11 employee >

  • Collaborated with multiple companies and factories in the home appliance industry,
    retail, … to drive sales growth.
  • Spearheaded the development of features aimed at improving development team
    velocity by 50% for outsourcing projects.
  • Designed an effective pricing strategy resulting in monthly revenue growth of 15%.


2019 - 2023

Bachelor's degree in Business Management

Payam-e Noor University of Mashhad


Product Management Basics Certification

Product Analytics Certification

Product Analytics Micro-Certification (PAC)™

Product Strategy Micro-Certification (PSC)™️

Product-Led Growth Micro-Certification (PLGC)™️


Product Skills

- User insights

- Data insights

- Analytical problem solving

- Technical skills

- Product and design sense

Strategic Skills

- Strategy

- Vision

- Roadmaps

- Business models

- Goal setting & OKR

People Management Skills

- Recruiting

- Coaching

- Performance reviews

- Product processes

- Team organization

Execution Skills

- Project management

- Scoping and incremental development

- Product launches

- Time management

- Getting things done

Leadership Skills

- Communication

- Collaboration

- Personal mindsets

- Influencing Without Authority

- Motivation and Inspiration

- Ownership Mentality

- Mentoring

- Working With Other Departments